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Photo: Screenshot of a Caixin article on their reporters in Wuhan
chinese state media would not report and remind about their very important violation against humanity and many other bad things they do what they think is worth it for their country and the people. Most of western free press and overall chinese whistle blowers have done this job for them. e.g. mainland china has for forbidden doctors warning public about covid 19 in the first place.
many famous people know why we need the truth https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/truth-telling
the older i get the more i see the topic about truth complex. so do many famous people http://zitate.net/wahrheit-zitate
it took China just 3 weeks to take strong actions with a less free press and Germany, Italy or USA much longer to start with or to take their strongest actions against covid 19.
If I hear the explantion why e.g. germany did not react faster i can use them also as explanation why china did not react faster although it reacted faster then most other countries. maybe china does not allow people spreading their news which can result into panic of the whole country but better check internally if its good to inform or not. it seems like they have evaluated the issue right. of course this does not always work out especially if the issue is more complex and ambigue.
indeed many failure of free press in USA, germany or many other democracies can be mentioned: 1. self fulfilling prophecy effects driven by free media which tend to report more about negative things than positive, 2. unfair comments even this sort of text is supposed to show opinon, it will not lead do good results for society to be totally unfair within a commentary and when they never show another perspective 3. biased reporting especially motivational cognition 4. missing information by intention or just lag of information. 5. manipulation, framing 6. double standards, 7. unfair journalism, 8. mixing of personel opinion and speculation together with facts, 9. misanthropic reporting of several quality mainstream media e.g. in germany or USA, 10. most of free western press reported too late and too little about our environmental issue, structural social inequality and racism, illegal wars, ilegal military attacks and ilegal political coups especially in of their democracies and helped distract societies of fighting against the most threatening catastrophe in this century.
new alternative media (beside conspiricy media) German professors in journalism and communication and other subjects as prof. Gabriele Krone-Schmalz, prof. Michael Meyen, prof. Ulrich Teusch, Reezo, prof. Christian Drosten, prof. Norbert Bolz, phd Harald Schumann have shown a lot of examples not only for Germany. A very seldom analysis about how unfair german public news can be seen in the award winning master thesis of Daria Gordeeva Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich (2)
which would lead to a wrong view on the situation, mislead the society or other high ranked decision maker, governments hesitate too long for urgent decisions
it depends which amount of press freedom is good for the society or not.
if the dictatorship always wants the good thing for society and the government thinks a lot in many perspectives how to improve we would not need much press. Chinese government is by far not perfect but also not very mean to the society as whole. My opinion is china’s thinking is in the longterm, thoughtful and much better than USA in the for me most import fields environment (per head pollution and pollution develpment), peace and social stability (e.g. less war and coups as wells as poverty reduction). still china as all other countries has a long way to go. Unfortunately there is a bit hope for a group of chinese journalists who have the urgent need to report in order to help but chinese government don’t think it does. But I guess this group is very small considering the size of china. After all to what i have experienced most chinese would like to have a bit more press freedom but not sacrificing chinese growth and better live. over all chines trust their dictator’s because of their success. if democracies would like to stop chinese success maybe the chinese would do revolution.
the gap between press with more vs. less freedom for
e.g. China vs. USA might not that big as many people think. a) Plutocracy effect: in capitalistic democracies as in USA or Germany very rich people have much much more influence on the news than the people. b) Inner freedom of press argument: Some German Journalists say there is not enough freedom of press within many media company itself (1). c) Limits of freedom of press in democracies: whistle blower e.g. Snowden and Assange don’t think there is enough press freedom in USA and many other democracies backing USA or just say not enough against it. …
(1) inner freedom of press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUc1zkO5QdA, Harald Schumann PhD innere Pressefreiheit
(2) (Unfair German Media) Daria Gordeeva: Russlandbild in den deutschen Medien – Deutschlandbild in den russischen Medien. Konstruktion der außenpolitischen Realität in den TV-Hauptnachrichtensendungen. Münchener Schriften zur Kommunikationswissenschaft, Nr. 8. In: Michael Meyen (Hrsg.): Medienrealität 2017. https://medienblog.hypotheses.org/1001 (June 11th 2020) https://medienblog.hypotheses.org/files/2017/12/Masterarbeit-Daria-Gordeeva.pdf
(3) german corona action time line https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/coronavirus-aktuelle-zahlen-und-entwicklungen.2897.de.html?dram:article_id=472799
Hello Katharin,
i think you have set some rules for commenting your podcast. some days ago i have sent my comments above just with one comment and got the message that this comment still need to be approved and released before it can be published. because it has not been released yet i thought i can do it this way. Probably my long comment has not been published because you did not have time yet to check and not because you want to censor this text. this comment is still legit according standards of free press, right?^^
Hallo Chen,
wie du an den gestückelten Kommentaren gesehen hast, werden Kommentare von bekannten Mailadressen automatisch freigeschalten. Warum der erste lange Kommentar nicht durchging, weiß ich nicht – vielleicht weil er so lang war. Kommentare müssen auch nicht in der Sprache der Episode geschrieben werde, daher antworte ich hier einfach auch auf Deutsch. Grundsätzlich wären mir kurze, klar verständliche Kommentare lieber, damit man sich im Kommentarbereich auf einzelne Aussagen beziehen kann und sich nicht missversteht. Einen so langen Text wie deinen letzten Kommentar könntest du ja auch woanders veröffentlichen und dann mit einer kurzen Zusammenfassung unter der Episode verlinken, wenn es inhaltlich passt.
Und hier noch inhaltlich etwas Anregung zum Thema Voreingenommenheit im Journalismus: https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/why-are-some-journalists-afraid-of-moral-clarity
hallo nils,
gute idee mit dem woanders veröffentlichen. ich war ohnehin schon am überlegen, ob ich das so machen sollte. außerdem wiederholen sich themen und ihre pro und contra argumente immer wieder und es wäre nicht schlecht diese nicht immer wieder neu aufzuschreiben.
bezüglich kurze vs. lange kommentare bin ich der meinung, dass politische beiträge den betrachtungsgegenstand von möglichst vielen perspektiven darstellen sollten um fairness zu erzielen und in dieser gesamtschau die wirkung erst zur geltung kommt, ganz nach dem motto das system ist mehr als die summe seiner bausteine. wenn man nun etwas spezielles aus einem längeren kommentar oder euren interviews kommentieren möchte, kann man entsprechende stellen rezitieren und dann seinen kommentar dazu abgeben oder das rezitieren auch sein lassen und einfach denken die leser werden schon den zusammenhang selber rausbekommen, wenn es sie wirklich interessiert.